BSA Bankruptcy

Filed Feb 18th, 2020


As stated in the
Boy Scouts bankruptcy plan.

82,209 CLAIMS WERE FILED IN the Boy Scouts Bankruptcy filed February 18th, 2020 and before the deadline November 16, 2020.

11,000 ADDITIONAL FUTURE CLAIMS projected during Boy Scouts Bankruptcy hearings that will be from current Boy Scouts members and those that didn't before the bankruptcy deadline.

Boy Scouts Child Sex Abuse
Claims by Abuse Type

82,209 Bankruptcy Claims filed from February 18th, 2020 up to the deadline on November 16, 2020.
Most Severe
% of
1. Penetration 24,539 30%
2. Oral Sex 18,856 23%
3. Masturbation 13,022 16%
4. Groping 17,138 21%
5. Touching (Unclothed) 1,879 2%
6. Touching (Clothed) 1,294 2%
7. Unknown/Unconfirmed 3,817 5%
8. Missing 1,664 2%

Boy Scouts Child Sex Abuse
Claims by Abuse Type

The Boy Scouts Bankruptcy has
82,209 Child Sex Abuse Claims.

How Many Does It Take?

Before the entire
Boy Scouts of America
is Completely Shut Down?!?